So, I've decided to do trilogies all together instead of doing each individual book. Unless of course the first book is really terrible and I don't plan on reading the rest. Or, I suppose, if not all of the books are out yet. In any case, let the review begin!
This trilogy follows the Farseer trilogy, continuing the story of Fitz. After I had already started reading it, I discovered that this is actually the third trilogy following the story line. The second one, I believe, follows the Fool for some, or perhaps all though I doubt it, of the fifteen year gap between the end of the Farseer trilogy and the beginning of this one. Because the second trilogy doesn't follow Fitz, it isn't necessary to read it, though it would probably give more information about some of the events in this trilogy. I'll be reading it next so I'll have more information then.
I was impressed at how seamlessly Fitz's story continued despite the fifteen year gap. Unlike many lengthy series, the continuation of Fitz's story did not seemed forced at all. It was continued simply because not all of the loose ends had been tied up. Really all I can say is that I enjoyed the whole trilogy and that I hope the Fool's story during the fifteen year gap is just as good.
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