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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Enigma by Lindsay Buroker

Enigma, a short story, is the sequel to Encrypted and picks up after a very small gap in time. Rias and Tikaya are on a ship headed towards Tikaya's homeland, granted passage only for Tikaya's musical and linguistic background. The captain just so happens to have a priceless Nurian flute and wants Tikaya to figure out how it works. But of course, the ship is being pursued...
There's not much to say about this story due to its shortness. It's a nice little story but not much more than a filler in time. I'm assuming that there will either be a longer sequel or, probably more likely, this bit is necessary (because it establishes their destination; though I suppose you wouldn't really need a totally separate story for that...) for the inclusion of Tikaya and Rias in The Emperor's Edge series. I believe Lindsay Buroker did mention something about that... Anyway, it's probably not necessary to read but if you've been dying for more of those characters then this story has your name on it!
Side Note: No, I did not spend two weeks getting through this short story. I was, in fact (or am, I suppose), in the middle of a much longer, more complicated book. I'll probably be done with it in less than a week.

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