Amazon Summary: "In this high school-set psychological tale, a tormented teen named Evan starts to discover a series of unnerving photographs—some of which feature him. Someone is stalking him . . . messing with him . . . threatening him. Worse, ever since his best friend Ariel has been gone, he's been unable to sleep, spending night after night torturing himself for his role in her absence. And as crazy as it sounds, Evan's starting to believe it's Ariel that's behind all of this, punishing him. But the more Evan starts to unravel the mystery, the more his paranoia and insomnia amplify, and the more he starts to unravel himself."
Well, that was quite a mind boggling read. You don't really know what's going on until the end, but even then it's a little vague. It was written through photographs--Levithan would take the random pictures and incorporate them into the story. The style was also very interesting, reflecting Evan's inner thoughts and torment. I wouldn't say that it's really an enjoyable book, just very interesting. It's a little bit on the creepy side, but not too much to handle. Basically, if you like the kind of story that messes with your mind, this is the book for you.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
Amazon Summary: "One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, Will Grayson crosses paths with . . . Will Grayson. Two teens with the same name, running in two very different circles, suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, and culminating in epic turns-of-heart and the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high school stage."
So I kinda sorta ended up skipping reviews of two books. But I got really excited about the authors of this book so I wanted to write the review. The ones I skipped weren't particularly great anyway. One was kinda dumb and the other I can hardly remember.
Anyway, this book wasn't particularly notable except for the authors and the technique of having a story being written by two different people (they alternated chapters). Not that not being notable means it isn't good. It is. Just... nothing particularly new. Except for maybe the musical... I haven't seen anything like that before. Props to John Green on that one. Unless it was a joint idea... Then, props to both.
What kinda sucks is that you can only preview the first chapter. Thus, only one character and one author's writing. John Green's that is. It might've been nice to know that David Levithan wrote his chapters COMPLETELY IN LOWERCASE LETTERS (there's a bit of irony for ya). It kinda irritated the heck outta me. Mostly just the 'I's. I can handle lowercase letters for sentence beginners, just not for 'I's. But hey, that's just me. I probably would've read the book anyway. I'm sure it was just a way to emphasize the character's, uh, character. Or to differentiate between the two Wills and/or authors. I certainly formed an association with it.
So, an explanation: the reason I say that the authors are notable is because a. They're both famous and b. I plan on reading all/most of both of their books. In fact, I was already planning that for Green before starting the book and considering it for Levithan as well.
While I did enjoy the book and had no trouble getting through it, I didn't end up really feeling for the characters much. It's possible that it was because I kept confusing the two Will Graysons at first, but for some reason it just didn't click. It was one of those meandering sort of books where there isn't really all that much of a plot. Sometimes I love those books and sometimes I don't. This one fell somewhere in between. Not quite my thing, but still a good read.
So I kinda sorta ended up skipping reviews of two books. But I got really excited about the authors of this book so I wanted to write the review. The ones I skipped weren't particularly great anyway. One was kinda dumb and the other I can hardly remember.
Anyway, this book wasn't particularly notable except for the authors and the technique of having a story being written by two different people (they alternated chapters). Not that not being notable means it isn't good. It is. Just... nothing particularly new. Except for maybe the musical... I haven't seen anything like that before. Props to John Green on that one. Unless it was a joint idea... Then, props to both.
What kinda sucks is that you can only preview the first chapter. Thus, only one character and one author's writing. John Green's that is. It might've been nice to know that David Levithan wrote his chapters COMPLETELY IN LOWERCASE LETTERS (there's a bit of irony for ya). It kinda irritated the heck outta me. Mostly just the 'I's. I can handle lowercase letters for sentence beginners, just not for 'I's. But hey, that's just me. I probably would've read the book anyway. I'm sure it was just a way to emphasize the character's, uh, character. Or to differentiate between the two Wills and/or authors. I certainly formed an association with it.
So, an explanation: the reason I say that the authors are notable is because a. They're both famous and b. I plan on reading all/most of both of their books. In fact, I was already planning that for Green before starting the book and considering it for Levithan as well.
While I did enjoy the book and had no trouble getting through it, I didn't end up really feeling for the characters much. It's possible that it was because I kept confusing the two Will Graysons at first, but for some reason it just didn't click. It was one of those meandering sort of books where there isn't really all that much of a plot. Sometimes I love those books and sometimes I don't. This one fell somewhere in between. Not quite my thing, but still a good read.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson
Amazon Summary: "17-year-old Lila has two secrets she's prepared to take to the grave. The first is that she can move things just by looking at them. The second is that she's been in love with her brother's best friend, Alex, since forever. After a mugging exposes her unique ability, Lila decides to run to the only people she can trust - her brother and Alex. They live in Southern California where they work for a secret organisation called The Unit, and Lila discovers that the two of them are hunting down the men who murdered her mother five years before. And that they've found them. In a world where nothing and no one is quite as they seem, Lila quickly realises that she is not alone - there are others out there just like her - people with special powers -and her mother's killer is one of them…"
Hummm... It's kind of difficult for me to form an opinion on this one. It's definitely interesting--in the beginning at least--but at the same time it doesn't quite feel like a very new idea. I haven't spent an excessive amount of time reading stuff about people with psychic powers, but I've certainly heard of them and this whole secret-organization-that-hunts-down-people-with-special-powers thing reeks of unoriginality. But at the same time, I haven't actually read anything like it. For all its attempts to be unpredictable and despite the fact that I didn't quite see the twist coming, I still wasn't surprised. I saw another review that describes it perfectly--convenient. The twist is just too convenient and I had trouble believing the book because of it, which also kept me from becoming at all emotionally attached to the characters. A good story usually makes you feel something for the characters and this just didn't do it for me.
Another thing that bothered me was the lack of explanation. We aren't told how Lila gets her powers (though I suspect that is revealed in the sequel) and the extent of her power is unclear, leaving me wondering why she didn't do certain things that seemed very obvious to me. I did enjoy the book even with its flaws but it just seemed a little off. I may or may not read the sequel.
Hummm... It's kind of difficult for me to form an opinion on this one. It's definitely interesting--in the beginning at least--but at the same time it doesn't quite feel like a very new idea. I haven't spent an excessive amount of time reading stuff about people with psychic powers, but I've certainly heard of them and this whole secret-organization-that-hunts-down-people-with-special-powers thing reeks of unoriginality. But at the same time, I haven't actually read anything like it. For all its attempts to be unpredictable and despite the fact that I didn't quite see the twist coming, I still wasn't surprised. I saw another review that describes it perfectly--convenient. The twist is just too convenient and I had trouble believing the book because of it, which also kept me from becoming at all emotionally attached to the characters. A good story usually makes you feel something for the characters and this just didn't do it for me.
Another thing that bothered me was the lack of explanation. We aren't told how Lila gets her powers (though I suspect that is revealed in the sequel) and the extent of her power is unclear, leaving me wondering why she didn't do certain things that seemed very obvious to me. I did enjoy the book even with its flaws but it just seemed a little off. I may or may not read the sequel.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Bruiser by Neal Shusterman
Amazon Summary: "Tennyson: Don't get me started on the Bruiser. He was voted "Most Likely to Get the Death Penalty" by the entire school. He's the kid no one knows, no one talks to, and everyone hears disturbing rumors about. So why is my sister, Brontë, dating him? One of these days she's going to take in the wrong stray dog, and it's not going to end well.
Brontë: My brother has no right to talk about Brewster that way—no right to threaten him. There's a reason why Brewster can't have friends—why he can't care about too many people. Because when he cares about you, things start to happen. Impossible things that can't be explained. I know, because they're happening to me."
I have mixed feelings about this book. First of all, I love the idea of it. I just need to mention that it's really not a romance. Brewster's 'secret'--I use the quotes because you can see it coming a mile away--is an interesting idea. I don't think it's totally original (but hey, that's probably just me coming from the fantasy genre) but it hasn't been over used. That being said, I had issues with the execution. The author really needed to pick--either make hints to Bruiser's secret subtle, or make the characters intelligent enough to pick up on it earlier. They were way too dumb for my liking. Bruiser also ticked me off. Talk about masochistic! What irritated me the most about him though was the fact that his sections were written as poetry. I did not appreciate that. Not to mention that while it was pretty bluntly stated that he's intelligent, his fragmented, poetic, thoughts made him come across as a moron. I mean, who thinks in poetry? Totally unnecessary. And annoying. It's also pretty cliche. You know, in the whole there's-a-bad-person-I'm-totally-gonna-judge-them-oh-no-I'm-just-like-them-now-but-now-that-I-see-my-error-everything's-gonna-be-okay thing. There were just a lot of inconsistencies in the book. I might be being a little nit-picky, but hey, the editors are supposed to be catching these things, am I right?
Brontë: My brother has no right to talk about Brewster that way—no right to threaten him. There's a reason why Brewster can't have friends—why he can't care about too many people. Because when he cares about you, things start to happen. Impossible things that can't be explained. I know, because they're happening to me."
I have mixed feelings about this book. First of all, I love the idea of it. I just need to mention that it's really not a romance. Brewster's 'secret'--I use the quotes because you can see it coming a mile away--is an interesting idea. I don't think it's totally original (but hey, that's probably just me coming from the fantasy genre) but it hasn't been over used. That being said, I had issues with the execution. The author really needed to pick--either make hints to Bruiser's secret subtle, or make the characters intelligent enough to pick up on it earlier. They were way too dumb for my liking. Bruiser also ticked me off. Talk about masochistic! What irritated me the most about him though was the fact that his sections were written as poetry. I did not appreciate that. Not to mention that while it was pretty bluntly stated that he's intelligent, his fragmented, poetic, thoughts made him come across as a moron. I mean, who thinks in poetry? Totally unnecessary. And annoying. It's also pretty cliche. You know, in the whole there's-a-bad-person-I'm-totally-gonna-judge-them-oh-no-I'm-just-like-them-now-but-now-that-I-see-my-error-everything's-gonna-be-okay thing. There were just a lot of inconsistencies in the book. I might be being a little nit-picky, but hey, the editors are supposed to be catching these things, am I right?
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Angry Management by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "Every kid in this group wants to fly. Every kid in this group has too much ballast. Mr. Nak's Angry Management group is a place for misfits. A place for stories. And, man, does this crew have stories. There's Angus Bethune and Sarah Byrnes, who can hide from everyone but each other. Together, they will embark on a road trip full of haunting endings and glimmering beginnings. And Montana West, who doesn't step down from a challenge. Not even when the challenge comes from her adoptive dad, who's leading the school board to censor the article she wrote for the school paper. And straightlaced Matt Miller, who had never been friends with outspoken genius Marcus James. Until one tragic week—a week they'd do anything to change—brings them closer than Matt could have ever imagined."
Hmmm... I didn't quite get what I was expecting from this book. I thought it would follow the general format of Mr. Nak's group from Crutcher's earlier book (I can't think of which one it was). It ended up being more separate stories than anything else. The most powerful one, I think, is the last one about Marcus James and Matt Miller. It caught me off guard. Matt Miller also ended up scoring pretty high on my list of all-time-favorite characters. I think I would have liked the stories better if they were separated into individual books and fleshed out a bit. Though, I suppose you couldn't really do that for the Angus and Sarah one since it's pretty much just an expansion on Sarah's story... I still really liked the book but I think it lacks a little of the power it would hold if each story were separate and fleshed out a bit.
Hmmm... I didn't quite get what I was expecting from this book. I thought it would follow the general format of Mr. Nak's group from Crutcher's earlier book (I can't think of which one it was). It ended up being more separate stories than anything else. The most powerful one, I think, is the last one about Marcus James and Matt Miller. It caught me off guard. Matt Miller also ended up scoring pretty high on my list of all-time-favorite characters. I think I would have liked the stories better if they were separated into individual books and fleshed out a bit. Though, I suppose you couldn't really do that for the Angus and Sarah one since it's pretty much just an expansion on Sarah's story... I still really liked the book but I think it lacks a little of the power it would hold if each story were separate and fleshed out a bit.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Deadline by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "Ben Wolf has big things planned for his senior year. Had big things planned. Now what he has is some very bad news and only one year left to make his mark on the world. How can a pint-sized, smart-ass seventeen-year-old do anything significant in the nowheresville of Trout, Idaho? First, Ben makes sure that no one else knows what is going on—not his superstar quarterback brother, Cody, not his parents, not his coach, no one. Next, he decides to become the best 127-pound football player Trout High has ever seen; to give his close-minded civics teacher a daily migraine; and to help the local drunk clean up his act. And then there's Dallas Suzuki. Amazingly perfect, fascinating Dallas Suzuki, who may or may not give Ben the time of day. Really, she's first on the list. Living with a secret isn't easy, though, and Ben's resolve begins to crumble . . . especially when he realizes that he isn't the only person in Trout with secrets."
This is a wonderful book but it left me feeling very, very sad. It also made me think a lot. Ben is a totally lovable character. I loved his humor and the way he handled the bad news. It's something totally different from anything I've read before--I have a tendency to steer clear from anything involving terminally ill patients (for the most part anyway). Though I do plan on reading some of John Greene's books... Anyway, Deadline is great. Oh, it also features Louie from Running Loose in the book (just to let you know). I can't think of anything else to add, so I'll just leave it at that.
This is a wonderful book but it left me feeling very, very sad. It also made me think a lot. Ben is a totally lovable character. I loved his humor and the way he handled the bad news. It's something totally different from anything I've read before--I have a tendency to steer clear from anything involving terminally ill patients (for the most part anyway). Though I do plan on reading some of John Greene's books... Anyway, Deadline is great. Oh, it also features Louie from Running Loose in the book (just to let you know). I can't think of anything else to add, so I'll just leave it at that.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
The Sledding Hill by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "Billy Bartholomew has an audacious soul, and he knows it. Why? Because it's all he has left. He's dead. Eddie Proffit has an equally audacious soul, but he doesn't know it. He's still alive. These days, Billy and Eddie meet on the sledding hill, where they used to spend countless hours -- until Billy kicked a stack of Sheetrock over on himself, breaking his neck and effectively hitting tilt on his Earthgame. The two were inseparable friends. They still are. And Billy is not about to let a little thing like death stop him from hanging in there with Eddie in his epic struggle to get his life back on track."
This book is a little different from Crutcher's other books. Instead being told from the point of view of a character who is having problems, this story is told from the point of view of a very un-troubled, non-living boy. I've gotta give the man some credit for being unique. I'm sure that I've read something from the point of view of a dead person before (at least I think I have), but definitely not with this much description of what it's like to be dead. I think it would've been fine but for the mention that dead people lack emotion. That threw me for a loop. How could you care about anything without emotion? It didn't seem entirely consistant with spirit-Billy's actions. He was also all-knowing. But for some reason he stuck around to see what was going to happen next? Why wait when you can skip ahead in time and find out immediately? I think it needed some more fine tuning to make sense.
Other than that though, it's a pretty good read. I think I'd rather it were told from Eddie's perspective. It could still have spirit-Billy in it, but more as a side character than anything else. I think having him as the main character took away from the story. Cool idea, but not the best execution. The particular issue that this book focuses on is censorship. I foolishly though that censorship was long gone by now, but apparently not. Boy did that throw me off. I mean, who bans books because they have gay characters or bad language? What's the point? High school is way more inappropriate than any book I've ever read. People are deluding themselves if they think banning books is going to fix anything.
Anyway, the point is that while I loved the idea of this book, the execution left much to be desired for me. It's great that Crutcher wanted to experiment a bit, but I personally prefer his usual style.
This book is a little different from Crutcher's other books. Instead being told from the point of view of a character who is having problems, this story is told from the point of view of a very un-troubled, non-living boy. I've gotta give the man some credit for being unique. I'm sure that I've read something from the point of view of a dead person before (at least I think I have), but definitely not with this much description of what it's like to be dead. I think it would've been fine but for the mention that dead people lack emotion. That threw me for a loop. How could you care about anything without emotion? It didn't seem entirely consistant with spirit-Billy's actions. He was also all-knowing. But for some reason he stuck around to see what was going to happen next? Why wait when you can skip ahead in time and find out immediately? I think it needed some more fine tuning to make sense.
Other than that though, it's a pretty good read. I think I'd rather it were told from Eddie's perspective. It could still have spirit-Billy in it, but more as a side character than anything else. I think having him as the main character took away from the story. Cool idea, but not the best execution. The particular issue that this book focuses on is censorship. I foolishly though that censorship was long gone by now, but apparently not. Boy did that throw me off. I mean, who bans books because they have gay characters or bad language? What's the point? High school is way more inappropriate than any book I've ever read. People are deluding themselves if they think banning books is going to fix anything.
Anyway, the point is that while I loved the idea of this book, the execution left much to be desired for me. It's great that Crutcher wanted to experiment a bit, but I personally prefer his usual style.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "A varsity letter jacket: it's exclusive, nearly unattainable, revered . . . and everything that's screwed up about Cutter High, as far as T. J. Jones is concerned. That's why T. J. is determined to have the Cutter All Night Mermen—the unlikeliest swim team a high school has ever seen—earn letter jackets of their own. It won't be easy. For one thing, they don't even have a pool. They will fight for their dignity, they will fight with each other, and sometimes they will just fight. And then they will realize that a single moment can bring lifelong heartache or lifelong friendship. For T. J. and his crew of misfits, the quest may be far more valuable than the reward."
Now I'm stuck. I can't decide if I like this one better than The Crazy Horse Electric Game or not. I'm inclined to say this one partially because of how amusing it is at times, but it might just be that I read it more recently. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. The narrator, T. J., made Whale Talk particularly good. He's downright hilarious with the way he messes with people. He just sticks out as a particularly likable character and a great narrator for the story. The swim team as a group is totally charming, from Mott the intimidating to Dan the wordy. There's a large focus on the issue of racism in the book and it can get kind of rough, but the humor balances it out perfectly. The characters were all great, even if I didn't like some of them (but that's how was supposed to feel anyway since those were the mean guys). It's totally worth a read.
Now I'm stuck. I can't decide if I like this one better than The Crazy Horse Electric Game or not. I'm inclined to say this one partially because of how amusing it is at times, but it might just be that I read it more recently. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. The narrator, T. J., made Whale Talk particularly good. He's downright hilarious with the way he messes with people. He just sticks out as a particularly likable character and a great narrator for the story. The swim team as a group is totally charming, from Mott the intimidating to Dan the wordy. There's a large focus on the issue of racism in the book and it can get kind of rough, but the humor balances it out perfectly. The characters were all great, even if I didn't like some of them (but that's how was supposed to feel anyway since those were the mean guys). It's totally worth a read.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Athletic Shorts by Chris Crutcher
This doesn't really need much in the way of a summary. Basically, this book is a compilation of six short stories, five of which deal with characters in Crutcher's earlier novels and the other an entirely new character. Some of them are sad, some of them are funny, and others fall somewhere in between. They give a little extra information about the characters from his earlier books--Lion (Stotan! and Ironman); Johnny, Petey, and Telephone Man (The Crazy Horse Electric Game); and Louie (Running Loose). It's a fairly quick read and I think they add to the stories. Particularly the one about Lion because he was somewhat skimmed over in Stotan!. Even though Running Loose is (so far) my least favorite Chris Crutcher book, the story featuring Louie actually ended up being my favorite out of the six stories in Athletic Shorts. Athletic Shorts is definitely worth a read, even if you haven't read the books the characters come from.
Chinese Handcuffs by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "Dillon is living with the painful memory of his brother's suicide -- and the role he played in it. To keep his mind and body occupied, he trains intensely for the Ironman triathlon. But outside of practice, his life seems to be falling apart. Then Dillon finds a confidante in Jennifer, a star high school basketball player who's hiding her own set of destructive secrets. Together, they must find the courage to confront their demons -- before it's too late."
Well. That was intense. That's my warning for you. If you can't take any kind of heavy abuse stories then don't pick it up. It's very intense. That being said, I maintain my opinion about Chris Crutcher's books as a whole; they are very good. This one is different from the others in that there's a good portion in the first half of the book that is told (more or less--he has a very distinctive style of switching points of view around whenever he wants to let you know what's going on in someone's head) from Jennifer's perspective. I haven't seen a girl play much of a role in any of Crutcher's stories so far (I guess there was a bit in Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes...) so I was surprised at the role she played. He sort of gave it up after he explained what her deal was, so he didn't exactly stick with it, but it was new nonetheless. I totally forgot to mention this in some of my review of his other books but Crutcher often uses letters as a way to narrate the story. In this case, Dillon narrates a lot of what happens in letters to his dead brother Preston. I don't really know what to think about this technique. It's certainly interesting, but I don't know the purpose of it. I haven't formed much of an opinion about it either way. Anyway, on to his next book!
Well. That was intense. That's my warning for you. If you can't take any kind of heavy abuse stories then don't pick it up. It's very intense. That being said, I maintain my opinion about Chris Crutcher's books as a whole; they are very good. This one is different from the others in that there's a good portion in the first half of the book that is told (more or less--he has a very distinctive style of switching points of view around whenever he wants to let you know what's going on in someone's head) from Jennifer's perspective. I haven't seen a girl play much of a role in any of Crutcher's stories so far (I guess there was a bit in Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes...) so I was surprised at the role she played. He sort of gave it up after he explained what her deal was, so he didn't exactly stick with it, but it was new nonetheless. I totally forgot to mention this in some of my review of his other books but Crutcher often uses letters as a way to narrate the story. In this case, Dillon narrates a lot of what happens in letters to his dead brother Preston. I don't really know what to think about this technique. It's certainly interesting, but I don't know the purpose of it. I haven't formed much of an opinion about it either way. Anyway, on to his next book!
Friday, February 1, 2013
The Crazy Horse Electric Game by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "Willie is a top athlete, the star of the legendary game against Crazy Horse Electric. Then a freak accident robs him of his once-amazing physical talents. Betrayed by his family, his girlfriend, and his own body, Willie's on the run, penniless and terrified on the streets, where he must fight to rebuild both his body and his life."
Let me start off by saying that this is my favorite Chris Crutcher book so far. Its plot is a lot more solid than that of some of the others and I just got an overall good feeling from it. I thought it was particularly interesting because it deals with an injury (and Willie's struggle to overcome it) which is something I hadn't seen yet in Crutcher's books. I can't think of anything else to say other than that it's a good, solid book.
Let me start off by saying that this is my favorite Chris Crutcher book so far. Its plot is a lot more solid than that of some of the others and I just got an overall good feeling from it. I thought it was particularly interesting because it deals with an injury (and Willie's struggle to overcome it) which is something I hadn't seen yet in Crutcher's books. I can't think of anything else to say other than that it's a good, solid book.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Running Loose by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "Louie Banks has it made. He's got a starting spot on the football team, good friends, and a smart, beautiful girlfriend who loves him as much as he loves her. Early in the fall, he sees all his ideas of fair play go up in smoke; by spring, what he cares about most has been destroyed. How can Louie keep going when he's lost everything?"
Hmmmm... I think this is my least favorite book of Crutcher's so far. It's probably because I decided to read them all in the order he wrote them--this being the first one. At least, the first popular one. He might've written something before it. It's still good, but it lacks the emotional depth that his other books have. I didn't feel much of anything while reading it--the part that should have made me feel something really didn't because I'd already guessed it was going to happen. It's sort of a blah book for me. My favorite part of the book was probably the last quarter. I probably would've liked the story better if the first three quarters of the book were condensed into one and the last quarter stretched to three. It's also kind of dated (as I mentioned for Stotan!). Anyway, this book really just goes to show how much an author can improve over time. He went from mediocre to brilliant. I can't wait to get to his newest book. I think the main thing that he's improved on over time is how engaging his books are--this really didn't hold my attention as well as his later books. Anyway, on to the next Crutcher book!
Hmmmm... I think this is my least favorite book of Crutcher's so far. It's probably because I decided to read them all in the order he wrote them--this being the first one. At least, the first popular one. He might've written something before it. It's still good, but it lacks the emotional depth that his other books have. I didn't feel much of anything while reading it--the part that should have made me feel something really didn't because I'd already guessed it was going to happen. It's sort of a blah book for me. My favorite part of the book was probably the last quarter. I probably would've liked the story better if the first three quarters of the book were condensed into one and the last quarter stretched to three. It's also kind of dated (as I mentioned for Stotan!). Anyway, this book really just goes to show how much an author can improve over time. He went from mediocre to brilliant. I can't wait to get to his newest book. I think the main thing that he's improved on over time is how engaging his books are--this really didn't hold my attention as well as his later books. Anyway, on to the next Crutcher book!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Stotan! by Chris Crutcher
Amazon summary: "It's the last swimming season for Walker, Nortie, Lion, and Jeff, and their coach is building their self-discipline in a grueling four-hour-a-day test of stamina designed to bring them to the outer edge of their capabilities. As it turns out, Stotan Week is also the week in which secrets are revealed, and the four friends must draw upon their new strengths for an endurance they never knew they'd need."
I'm going to start out by suggesting that you read this before Ironman because I already knew some of the stuff that was going to happen since Lion is in both books. Plus I kept thinking it was Lion who was narrating instead of Walker. Stotan! struck me as a little less intense than the other books I've read by Crutcher. It's sort of all over the place--I couldn't give you a solid plot since Stotan week is done by the time you reach the halfway point in the book. That's not necessarily a problem, but I found myself liking the other books a bit better than this one. It's also possible that I didn't enjoy it as much because it was written about a generation before my time so the issues it addresses aren't quite as relevant. I mean, they are, just a little less prominent today than they were then. Nevertheless, it's still a plenty good book--just a little dated.
I'm going to start out by suggesting that you read this before Ironman because I already knew some of the stuff that was going to happen since Lion is in both books. Plus I kept thinking it was Lion who was narrating instead of Walker. Stotan! struck me as a little less intense than the other books I've read by Crutcher. It's sort of all over the place--I couldn't give you a solid plot since Stotan week is done by the time you reach the halfway point in the book. That's not necessarily a problem, but I found myself liking the other books a bit better than this one. It's also possible that I didn't enjoy it as much because it was written about a generation before my time so the issues it addresses aren't quite as relevant. I mean, they are, just a little less prominent today than they were then. Nevertheless, it's still a plenty good book--just a little dated.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Ironman by Chris Crutcher
Amazon summary: "Bo Brewster has been at war with his father for as long as he can remember. Following angry outbursts at his football coach and English teacher that have cost him his spot on the football team and moved him dangerously close to expulsion from school, he turns to the only adult he believes will listen: Larry King. In his letters to Larry, Bo describes his quest for excellence on his own terms. No more coaches for me, he tells the talk show icon, no more dads. I'm going to be a triathlete, an Ironman. Relegated to Mr. Nak's before-school Anger Management group (which he initially believes to be populated with future serial killers and freeway snipers), Bo meets a hard-edged, down-on-their-luck pack of survivors with stainless steel shields against the world that Bo comes to see are not so different from his own. It is here he meets and falls in love with Shelly, a future American Gladiator, whose passion for physical challenge more than matches his."
Well, I'm just going to cut to the chase: I believe I have now officially become a Chris Crutcher fan. This may only be the second book of his that I've read, but so far his stuff is right up my alley. I may not have experienced most of the hard things his characters deal with, but the insights he makes ring true to me. I don't know that I can do his work justice. It's just so absolutely touching and real. You can't ask much more than that from a piece of writing. I think every author wants their writing to speak to people and that's what this really does. I can't recommend his work enough.
Well, I'm just going to cut to the chase: I believe I have now officially become a Chris Crutcher fan. This may only be the second book of his that I've read, but so far his stuff is right up my alley. I may not have experienced most of the hard things his characters deal with, but the insights he makes ring true to me. I don't know that I can do his work justice. It's just so absolutely touching and real. You can't ask much more than that from a piece of writing. I think every author wants their writing to speak to people and that's what this really does. I can't recommend his work enough.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Beastly by Alex Flinn
This story is basically a modern re-telling of the good old Beauty and the Beast fairy tale, most commonly known as a Disney movie. The story is told from the beast's perspective and is interesting in that it gives a background to the beast. This beast starts out as a handsome teenager by the name of Kyle Kingsley. He's essentially your average, run of the mill 'popular' jerk. A witch notices his jerkly ways and curses him to be as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside--giving him two years to find someone to love him and break the spell with a kiss. Of course, he has to love her too.
Something I really enjoy about the book is that the girl isn't a total pansy--not that Belle is a complete pansy. I mean, at least she is intelligent. But she's still kind of pansyish... Anyway, that was nice. Also, the author included some very cute interludes in the form of a cursed fairy tale character chat room. I found it absolutely charming. Beastly is particularly effective at conveying the message behind the original story (you know, the whole don't be a jerk just because you're pretty message), at least compared to the Disney version, because it's told from the beast's perspective. I don't have anything in the way of criticism so if you like these sorts of spin off stories, then go for it.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher
Amazon Summary: "Sarah Byrnes and Eric have been friends for years. When they were children, his fat and her terrible scars made them both outcasts. Later, although swimming slimmed Eric, she stayed his closest friend. Now Sarah Byrnes -- the smartest, toughest person Eric has ever known -- sits silent in a hospital. Eric must uncover the terrible secret she's hiding, before its dark currents pull them both under."
Okay, so the second bit of the summary is a little overdramatic, but they have to get their readers somehow. I'm going to have to add a bit to that summary though, I don't think it's quite complete. While all of the summary information is true, the story isn't as much focused on Sarah's "terrible secret" as it leads you to believe. A lot more of the book is dedicated to Eric and Sarah's past together and their friendship in general.
In the beginning I was a little thrown off by the switching from past to present and the swimming terminology, but I got used to it pretty quickly so it didn't end up being a big deal. The thing to note about this book though is how much it makes you think. It's narrated by Eric who is in a class where people discuss their beliefs. This leads to a fair amount of discussion about religion and abortion that in turn makes Eric think about his beliefs, thereby causing the reader to think about their own as well. I've categorized this book as one of those strangely addictive books that are more of a narration of the character's life than a story with a solid plot (though this plot is definitely more solid than most of the ones in this category). Luckily, this one is actually interesting and didn't leave me feeling irritated at the characters (unlike The Catcher in the Rye). The book just left me thinking. I can't really come up with any criticism for it at the moment. I just want to be sure to emphasize how almost philosophical this book is. I ended up really enjoying it.
Okay, so the second bit of the summary is a little overdramatic, but they have to get their readers somehow. I'm going to have to add a bit to that summary though, I don't think it's quite complete. While all of the summary information is true, the story isn't as much focused on Sarah's "terrible secret" as it leads you to believe. A lot more of the book is dedicated to Eric and Sarah's past together and their friendship in general.
In the beginning I was a little thrown off by the switching from past to present and the swimming terminology, but I got used to it pretty quickly so it didn't end up being a big deal. The thing to note about this book though is how much it makes you think. It's narrated by Eric who is in a class where people discuss their beliefs. This leads to a fair amount of discussion about religion and abortion that in turn makes Eric think about his beliefs, thereby causing the reader to think about their own as well. I've categorized this book as one of those strangely addictive books that are more of a narration of the character's life than a story with a solid plot (though this plot is definitely more solid than most of the ones in this category). Luckily, this one is actually interesting and didn't leave me feeling irritated at the characters (unlike The Catcher in the Rye). The book just left me thinking. I can't really come up with any criticism for it at the moment. I just want to be sure to emphasize how almost philosophical this book is. I ended up really enjoying it.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr
Amazon summary: "As children, Jennifer Harris and Cameron Quick were both social outcasts. They were also one another's only friend. So when Cameron disappears without warning, Jennifer thinks she's lost the only person who will ever understand her. Now in high school, Jennifer has been transformed. Known as Jenna, she's popular, happy, and dating, everything "Jennifer" couldn't be---but she still can't shake the memory of her long-lost friend. When Cameron suddenly reappears, they are both confronted with memories of their shared past and the drastically different paths their lives have taken."
Alrighty! I did intend to read the sequel to The Innocent Mage next and I did start it, but I got distracted. So I spent a while reading random Fictionpress stories and only got back to reading published books today. So. On to the review!
I really enjoyed the book. It is a good story and it kept my attention but there were a couple of things that I didn't like. First of all, it lacked some of the detail it needed and left me with questions. A lot of that centered around Cameron and his and Jenna's past. I really wanted to know more about Cameron; why he suddenly came back, how he coped (because honestly, he had it a lot rougher than Jenna), information about his mom and siblings, anything really. He was a vague fill in character that really remained a part of Jenna's past more than anything else. There wasn't much evidence of a change in him. It was... lacking.
The ending really bugged me. It was so inconclusive. It ended with a lot of pretty words but what happened just didn't add up with the rest of the story. There was just a lot that was skimmed over and it took away the realism of the story. It was still good, just not fabulous.
Alrighty! I did intend to read the sequel to The Innocent Mage next and I did start it, but I got distracted. So I spent a while reading random Fictionpress stories and only got back to reading published books today. So. On to the review!
I really enjoyed the book. It is a good story and it kept my attention but there were a couple of things that I didn't like. First of all, it lacked some of the detail it needed and left me with questions. A lot of that centered around Cameron and his and Jenna's past. I really wanted to know more about Cameron; why he suddenly came back, how he coped (because honestly, he had it a lot rougher than Jenna), information about his mom and siblings, anything really. He was a vague fill in character that really remained a part of Jenna's past more than anything else. There wasn't much evidence of a change in him. It was... lacking.
The ending really bugged me. It was so inconclusive. It ended with a lot of pretty words but what happened just didn't add up with the rest of the story. There was just a lot that was skimmed over and it took away the realism of the story. It was still good, just not fabulous.
Monday, January 7, 2013
The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller
Amazon summary: "Being a fisherman like his father isn't a bad life, but it's not the one that Asher wants. Despite his humble roots, Asher has grand dreams. And they call him to Dorana, home of princes, beggars, and the warrior mages who have protected the kingdom for generations.
Little does Asher know, however, that his arrival in the city is being closely watched by members of the Circle, people dedicated to preserving an ancient magic.
Asher might have come to the city to make his fortune, but he will find his destiny."
As for the plot... Well, that's also hard to form an opinion on. The beginning is so frustratingly vague but then, all of a sudden, you figure out what's going on and you're like, "Oh. Well. What was all the suspense about?" [Sorry for misusing the word 'like' there]. It just wasn't necessary. But, it's short enough that it didn't much matter in the scheme of things. It does, however, take a while though for anything to start happening that has to do at all with the plot. Maybe ninety percent of the book? But again, that didn't bother me too much because I enjoyed what was happening in the meantime. I guess there were quite a few things that didn't really need to be included... But all that really did was add more details and delay the plot a bit. It sort of meandered a bit before anything much happened.
As for the characters... Again, hard to form an opinion on. I did love Asher and Gar. Dathne... not so much. I also liked Matt, though I wish his character were explored a little more. Perhaps in the next book... But anyway, for all that I liked or disliked their personalities, they did at times seem a little... fake. Of course, they're not actually real people but with most books, you feel like they are. Okay, so maybe not most books, but that's what they strive for. Looking at some other reviews, I agree that at times the characters can be kind of whiny... I didn't actually notice that while I was reading, but thinking back, I can definitely see where that came from. But to be fair, there were some pretty harsh things that went on... But back to fake characters! Asher's whole family backstory seems just a bit farfetched. And he doesn't react very much to a certain large event that occurs. And Dathne... she's just too darn cold! Well, around other people at least. I mean, she does have reason to be, but still... Gar's sister... She's a little bit too hostile. And Gar... He should know what to expect from her by now. I don't know. The characters just need a bit of work. Their motivations are all there, they just... I guess they just don't seem enough reason to act the way they do. Or they under-react. Like Asher. Also, there's a bit of a time skip that I think shouldn't have been quite so glossed over. It sort of skipped certain, possibly vital, relationship developments. I guess that's where you would want plot-related events to go. I can see why it was postponed so long (for Asher), but that really just means that Asher should've had a different motivation for leaving home in the first place. *sigh* But now I'm getting into little details that don't make much sense if you haven't read the book. But it will suffice to say that certain details didn't line up and the characters weren't wholly believable... But, nevertheless, I really did enjoy the book and my complaints are, for the most part, about small things (though I guess they do kind of add up...) so don't let that keep you away from the book! Anyway, it was interesting enough that I'm going to hold off on reading the rest of the Tillerman cycle (remember my last review? Homecoming?) while I finish the series (I think there's just one more book. And then two more that are related but set at a later time. I think. And a prequel. We'll see how interested I am at the end of this next book).
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Homecoming by Cynthia Voigt
Amazon summary: "“It’s still true.” That’s the first thing James Tillerman says to his older sister, Dicey, every morning. It’s still true that their mother has abandoned the four Tillermans in a mall parking lot somewhere in the middle of Connecticut. It’s still true that they have to find their own way to Great-aunt Cilla’s house in Bridgeport. It’s still true that they need to spend as little as possible on food and seek shelter anywhere that is out of view of the authorities. It’s still true that the only way they can hope to all stay together is to just keep moving forward.
Deep down, Dicey hopes they can find someone to trust, someone who will take them in and love them. But she’s afraid it’s just too much to hope for...."
This as not, as you can probably tell from the summary, a fantasy book. So no, that is not the only type of book that I will read. This sort of story is waaaaaaaaaaaay up there on the interest scale next to fantasy books. You know, the whole growing-up-with-hardships-and-overcoming-them kind of thing. Of course, this also has the added bonus of survival and journeying thrown in! I actually read this for the first time quite a while ago--five, maybe six years ago? I believe I had been assigned to read A Solitary Blue (the third book in the series) for summer reading and loved it so much that I had to read the others. Crazy, I know. An assigned book that's actually good--and not horribly depressing (besides Shakespeare which, now that I think about it, can be pretty depressing too...)! The reason I came back to it now is that for the past few years it has been nagging at my memory. Occasionally I would think something like, 'hmmmm... I really loved that one book where the girl got left in the parking lot with her siblings...' and then totally forget about it for a few months. Well, a couple of days ago that same thing happened to me but this time I got a terrible urge to read it. Of course, I had totally forgotten the title, the author, and the characters' names so I put my faith in a google search and voila! After a bit of searching I found it. I owe it all to the fact that it's a pretty popular book--otherwise I'm quite sure that I wouldn't have found it (because, along with this book, there was another one that I remembered and tried looking for but couldn't find). But anyways, I ended up putting the book I was in the middle of reading on hold while I read this one. I feel like I've read the whole series but since it was so long ago, I'm going to read them all again. After I finish the book I abandoned that is.
Anyway, by this point you probably already know my opinion on the book--I freaking adore it! I just crave books like these. It does involve a lot of getting into Dicey's head, but that's part of what makes me love it so much. So, it may not be your cup of tea, but it certainly is mine!
This as not, as you can probably tell from the summary, a fantasy book. So no, that is not the only type of book that I will read. This sort of story is waaaaaaaaaaaay up there on the interest scale next to fantasy books. You know, the whole growing-up-with-hardships-and-overcoming-them kind of thing. Of course, this also has the added bonus of survival and journeying thrown in! I actually read this for the first time quite a while ago--five, maybe six years ago? I believe I had been assigned to read A Solitary Blue (the third book in the series) for summer reading and loved it so much that I had to read the others. Crazy, I know. An assigned book that's actually good--and not horribly depressing (besides Shakespeare which, now that I think about it, can be pretty depressing too...)! The reason I came back to it now is that for the past few years it has been nagging at my memory. Occasionally I would think something like, 'hmmmm... I really loved that one book where the girl got left in the parking lot with her siblings...' and then totally forget about it for a few months. Well, a couple of days ago that same thing happened to me but this time I got a terrible urge to read it. Of course, I had totally forgotten the title, the author, and the characters' names so I put my faith in a google search and voila! After a bit of searching I found it. I owe it all to the fact that it's a pretty popular book--otherwise I'm quite sure that I wouldn't have found it (because, along with this book, there was another one that I remembered and tried looking for but couldn't find). But anyways, I ended up putting the book I was in the middle of reading on hold while I read this one. I feel like I've read the whole series but since it was so long ago, I'm going to read them all again. After I finish the book I abandoned that is.
Anyway, by this point you probably already know my opinion on the book--I freaking adore it! I just crave books like these. It does involve a lot of getting into Dicey's head, but that's part of what makes me love it so much. So, it may not be your cup of tea, but it certainly is mine!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams
The Amazon summary: "In the peaceful land of Osten Ard, the good king is dying-and a long-dreaded evil is about to be unleashed. Only Simon, a lowly castle scullion apprenticed to a secret order dedicated to halting the coming darkness, can solve the dangerous riddle that offers salvation to the land."
As long as the book is, I can't seem to think of much to say about it. I've mentally categorized it as one of those near-flawless books that for some reason you just didn't get hooked on. None of my thoughts take away the fact that this book was crafted magnificently by a very skilled author. I spent a little over a month reading it--ridiculously long, even considering its impressive length. The beginning was, in my opinion, incredibly dull. It was spent pretty much exploring the character of Simon and setting everything up for an extremely elaborate story. After that, however, the book suddenly picks up speed and becomes engaging. At least, Simon's parts become engaging. The others... not so much. As much as I loved the plot and the characters (Binabik in particular), I began to have trouble following what was going on. This was probably due to the unfamiliar and complicated names, along with the large cast of characters. As long as you follow it though, the book is wonderful. It's probably much easier to get through the book if you can follow who everybody is. Perhaps that would have made the parts that were not told from Simon's perspective more interesting... Anyway, great book, just not my cup of tea.
As long as the book is, I can't seem to think of much to say about it. I've mentally categorized it as one of those near-flawless books that for some reason you just didn't get hooked on. None of my thoughts take away the fact that this book was crafted magnificently by a very skilled author. I spent a little over a month reading it--ridiculously long, even considering its impressive length. The beginning was, in my opinion, incredibly dull. It was spent pretty much exploring the character of Simon and setting everything up for an extremely elaborate story. After that, however, the book suddenly picks up speed and becomes engaging. At least, Simon's parts become engaging. The others... not so much. As much as I loved the plot and the characters (Binabik in particular), I began to have trouble following what was going on. This was probably due to the unfamiliar and complicated names, along with the large cast of characters. As long as you follow it though, the book is wonderful. It's probably much easier to get through the book if you can follow who everybody is. Perhaps that would have made the parts that were not told from Simon's perspective more interesting... Anyway, great book, just not my cup of tea.
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