Amazon Summary: "Tennyson: Don't get me started on the Bruiser. He was voted "Most Likely to Get the Death Penalty" by the entire school. He's the kid no one knows, no one talks to, and everyone hears disturbing rumors about. So why is my sister, Brontë, dating him? One of these days she's going to take in the wrong stray dog, and it's not going to end well.
Brontë: My brother has no right to talk about Brewster that way—no right to threaten him. There's a reason why Brewster can't have friends—why he can't care about too many people. Because when he cares about you, things start to happen. Impossible things that can't be explained. I know, because they're happening to me."
I have mixed feelings about this book. First of all, I love the idea of it. I just need to mention that it's really not a romance. Brewster's 'secret'--I use the quotes because you can see it coming a mile away--is an interesting idea. I don't think it's totally original (but hey, that's probably just me coming from the fantasy genre) but it hasn't been over used. That being said, I had issues with the execution. The author really needed to pick--either make hints to Bruiser's secret subtle, or make the characters intelligent enough to pick up on it earlier. They were way too dumb for my liking. Bruiser also ticked me off. Talk about masochistic! What irritated me the most about him though was the fact that his sections were written as poetry. I did not appreciate that. Not to mention that while it was pretty bluntly stated that he's intelligent, his fragmented, poetic, thoughts made him come across as a moron. I mean, who thinks in poetry? Totally unnecessary. And annoying. It's also pretty cliche. You know, in the whole there's-a-bad-person-I'm-totally-gonna-judge-them-oh-no-I'm-just-like-them-now-but-now-that-I-see-my-error-everything's-gonna-be-okay thing. There were just a lot of inconsistencies in the book. I might be being a little nit-picky, but hey, the editors are supposed to be catching these things, am I right?
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