Amazon Summary: "One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, Will Grayson crosses paths with . . . Will Grayson. Two teens with the same name, running in two very different circles, suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, and culminating in epic turns-of-heart and the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high school stage."
So I kinda sorta ended up skipping reviews of two books. But I got really excited about the authors of this book so I wanted to write the review. The ones I skipped weren't particularly great anyway. One was kinda dumb and the other I can hardly remember.
Anyway, this book wasn't particularly notable except for the authors and the technique of having a story being written by two different people (they alternated chapters). Not that not being notable means it isn't good. It is. Just... nothing particularly new. Except for maybe the musical... I haven't seen anything like that before. Props to John Green on that one. Unless it was a joint idea... Then, props to both.
What kinda sucks is that you can only preview the first chapter. Thus, only one character and one author's writing. John Green's that is. It might've been nice to know that David Levithan wrote his chapters COMPLETELY IN LOWERCASE LETTERS (there's a bit of irony for ya). It kinda irritated the heck outta me. Mostly just the 'I's. I can handle lowercase letters for sentence beginners, just not for 'I's. But hey, that's just me. I probably would've read the book anyway. I'm sure it was just a way to emphasize the character's, uh, character. Or to differentiate between the two Wills and/or authors. I certainly formed an association with it.
So, an explanation: the reason I say that the authors are notable is because a. They're both famous and b. I plan on reading all/most of both of their books. In fact, I was already planning that for Green before starting the book and considering it for Levithan as well.
While I did enjoy the book and had no trouble getting through it, I didn't end up really feeling for the characters much. It's possible that it was because I kept confusing the two Will Graysons at first, but for some reason it just didn't click. It was one of those meandering sort of books where there isn't really all that much of a plot. Sometimes I love those books and sometimes I don't. This one fell somewhere in between. Not quite my thing, but still a good read.
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